“For you are my lamp, O LORD, and my God lightens my darkness” (2 Samuel 22:29).
This intimate expression of the Lord’s shining presence is an expression of fellowship that has the potential to bring confidence and peace into the worshiper of God.
“When his lamp shone upon my head, and by his light, I walked through darkness” (Job 29:3).
David, Job, and the Psalm writer agree — that God is light and lights our way through the darkness and confusion of this life. In the verb and noun, the light shines and makes a way. It identifies what might get in the way, what tempts, and what distracts. The word helps us navigate the complexities of this world.
“For it is you who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness” (Psalm 18:28).
The light of God enlightens our minds so we must consider the details. We are responsible for responding to the truth as well. We must have sight and see, it takes effort and energy especially when the way forward is poorly lit. When it’s still difficult to see, open your eyes wide, or squint to get a better focus.
Like the archer with a bow and arrow, who must see clearly, we must aim, find the target, our goal — then our direction will be clear. So “take aim” and consider the options you have before you. There may be distractions, opponents, and temptations, but you can navigate in the light confidently.
As you journal today, you might ask yourself questions like this: Where are you going today? The world is dark and life is hard; are you aiming for a life based on reality and truth? What keeps you from seeing clearly?
Thanks for moving with us.
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