Photo by @mvdheuvel
How do we get beyond our excuses? I decided this week, I’m swimming at least three times a week, maybe four. The goggles hadn’t been used for a while, so the other day I got in the pool and my left eye kept filling up with water. You can imagine how annoying. So the question today, while I wait for Amazon to deliver my new pair, is — will I go anyway and swim with the old goggles?
Now you might have trouble relating to this example of a typical excuse. I am constantly getting in the way of what’s best for me. It seems we have no end to the creative ways that we will try to get out of things we should do. We even try to get out of things we want to do. What keeps you from starting and sticking to that new goal? Today I’m gonna swim. I’m going to push through the annoyance and get the job done. Oh yeah, and I’m gonna swim 200 meters further than before. Can you upgrade your goal, even when it’s an imperfect day?
Well, I wrote out the blog post before I went swimming, knowing that I could always retract the post if I failed to swim. But really, I did it, the goggles weren’t perfect but what training swim, or run, or bike ever is? Just a little victory, pushing past my excuses and into the water. Not only that but I did 250 meters more than the last time. Maybe it was because I wanted to celebrate my victory on this blog post. What small goal are you willing to take on, for the rest of your life?