Suanne and I have been married for 35 years. We have four sons, two daughters in law, two grand-daughters and hopefully, someday, more on the way. All our kids have good jobs, deeply love there families, love the Lord, and have a positive outlook on life. I wonder if I could ask for anything more? It all started when I was in the eighth grade. There was some relationship problem, as there always is, in middle school. I was a bit sad and lonely. I was frustrated that junior highers were being junior highers, or humans were being human. As I was thinking about all this on the field that day, I prayed, or thought to myself, I don’t remember which. When I have a family, we’re going to go to church. Maybe I thought that would fix everything, maybe not. I certainly have learned over the years. Spoiler alert, church does not fix everything! Here’s what that commitment has done. It has instilled a love for truth in every one of us. Maybe that mostly came from their mom. People, families, neighborhoods, cities, counties, states, nations, yes even the whole world, needs to find structure in the love for truth, and a love for each other. Where do you find the truth, on which you can base the love of your family? I’m sure you’re noticing by now, I’m not talking about an emotional perspective of love. I’m talking about a love that understands the difficulties of this life, of this world, and serves each other, and helps each other through, as we live together.