Have you ever tried to stay in one place for a half hour?
Discipline is hard. You know this and if you want to get involved in spiritual practices you’re gonna have to keep your body doing the same thing for an extended period of time. Maybe for prayer or solitude, contemplation or meditation — Today I set a timer on my phone with a noisemaker. The waves crashing or white noise reminds me to be still. I close my eyes, sometimes they’re open. I just try to focus my mind on God and what he wants for my life, no agenda, no grocery list of requests, just God time, waiting, being still, knowing God is God, God is here. No expectations, no performance, just practicing patience and peace before Him. Well, we’re in this together, the last time I tried to be still, I looked at my timer two or three times. By training, eventually, I’ll really be still, until then be still my heart.
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